One factor: I have less funds. I have way less funds than I expected. That is how life goes sometimes. No need to complain.
I can say that I benefited in some way. I lost a lot of weight. When I attended church recently (after a long time), some people did not recognize me because I looked so different.
A few days ago, I received my small tax refund. My mother would say I "kicked a purse." I used some of it to purchase food from Papa Johns (it had been a while - and yes, I could have used the funds better). See photos of my purchase below.
I was also out recently to purchase some (a small amount of) food from Winn Dixie. Photos also included below. I was resting at a bus stop - during the walk from Winn Dixie to my apartment.
I am not sure what the future holds. Time will tell (see also this blog post: & this post: )